Fresh finished product

Fast process, personalization and very high standardization 

The strong point of Castelfrigo consists in the capability of selection and classification of the raw material in order to guarantee a finished product with the highest level of standardization that is able to satisfy nay kind of requirment that comes from customers.

The fresh finished product is processed within 24/48 hours from slaughtering and immediately delivered. The speed of the processing cycle is fundamental to preserve optimized organoleptic and micro biologic characteristics.
The Company produces every possible derived product resulting from the processing of thin flank and throat of pigs: bacons, minces, throats, various
cuts of fat, rind, pork chops etc.

Castelfrigo is always ready take on new requirements from its customers in order to keep up with consumers’ changing moods or new products on the
market by engaging itself and assisting its customers through research and subsequent production standardization.